Dr. Isaiah Pickens is a licensed clinical psychologist and writer who believes the best version of each of us lies in our pursuit of healthiness, not happiness. Using science and entertainment, Dr. Isaiah helps people build lives full of meaning and promote their healthiest selves. The difference between pursuing health versus happiness is understanding that there is beauty and potential growth in both the triumphs and failures of life. Regardless of the situation, the important question always is “How can I get better?” Dr. Isaiah shares innovative tools to help you become a better and healthier version of yourself.


  • Founder of iOpening Enterprises, a multi-media company specializing in health messaging through the creation of books, films, and life skills workshops for youth and the adults who care for them
  • UCLA Assistant Director of the Service Systems Program for National Center for Child Traumatic Stress
  • Former NYU School of Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor
  • PhD in Clinical Psychology from Fordham University
  • Research and clinical work focuses on impact of psychological trauma on teens and families
  • Consultant for trauma-informed and culturally-responsive practices in schools, juvenile justice settings, and communities
  • Suicide prevention trainer